Wednesday 31 July 2013

Anna Hazera should not be projected as 2nd Gandhi
It is misleading to project 2nd Gandhi by promoting satyagraha by Anna. It is a misfortune that he is being projected by Media as 2nd Gandhi who is not.Uness Ann disown the Foreign founded NGOs than only his credibility will be measured.He has been backed by all the Foreign funded NGOs like Arvind,Sisodia and Kiran etc.
No doubt they are instrumental for RTI Act 2005,that doesn't mean that what they say will be accepted by the Country ,after all they are not above it.The country will function as per the Guide line of the Constitution not by somebody projected as the enlighten Citizen.
A simple person like Anna has being used by the big NGOs for a Shield and every-time he is forcing the elected Government for a Fast, which is ridiculous ,PLEASE STOP THIS 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Fasting is not a solution all time.
