Wednesday 7 August 2013


Conserve ecosystem or Perish is my Straight Message
In my childhood days we are rooted in nature and closely watch the Nature in around us with joy and play with the insects like Dragonflies, Giant Red Velvet Mites as they were our source of enjoyments and we never play with expensive toys and gadgetry.We were so close to nature that in our time during the CHITALAGI AMAVASYA my mother usually told me to throw the first CITAU PITHA  prepared in our house for the Snails, Fishes and Eel ( KochiaOdia) etc in the river as a token of gift on that auspicious occasion as this is the first festival after the Ratha Yatra which is the last festivals of Odias.
In our time we in our house use to make different PITHAS (cakes) for different occasions and we were all accustomed in it ,like Manda Pitha, Enduri pitha,Baulagudi etc. specifically meant for the Occasion; and all our Festivals are woven with some religious and scientific observations by our Sears.
The narrative is just an off line thinking how we were close to Nature in our earlier days and now a days baring a few in the metro and cosmopolitan town doing all these things as a practice.But still we can see those things in many villages.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

All this description above is only a reminder and now we will come to the point.

 Today we hardly see a Giant red Velvet Mite ( Sadhaba Bahu) in our fields and many of our younger generation never had seen this insect I hope.There are so many poems written on this lovely creature in Odia.
About the Mite:
King doom: Animalia

Phylum:       Arthropoda

Sub-Phylum: Chelicerata

Class :         Arachnida

Sub-Class : Acari

Order :  Trombidiformes

Super Family : Trombidioidea

Family :Trombididae

Usually the Giant Red Velvet Mite emerges out of the soil in the early rain and can only be seen for a couple of weeks and again it hide in the soil. During this time it came in contact of many harmful insects, bacterias,nematods,fungi etc. as it dwell most of its time in Soil.It also come in contact with castor beam,jimson weed and streptomyces plantenis and it survive with all those harmful creatures as it feed on these and help soil and ecosystem by working with the fungi which help for decomposition of Organic Wastes.

Recent research show that this Giant Red Velvet Mite is useful to human in a big way.

1. Th red oil of the giant Mite is used by the Locals as an aphrodisiac known as Tej in Hindi by the traditional Medicine men due to its alleged ability for sexual desire like Viagra (Indian Viagra).

2. The Oil can be used for the treatment of Paralysis.

3. This Mite secretes anti-fungal oil and mite circulatory fluid hemolymph.
     this secretion allows the Giant Red Velvet Mite to survive during its stay in the soil with dirty        condition.

The Purpose of writing is an awareness campaign, live with Nature and maintain the harmony.As far as possible educate others for conservation of Natural Resources.

SLOGAN: Preserve or Perish
Giant Red Velvet Mite 

Giant red Velvet Mite

This is the condition like ball form when it approach danger

Dried Mites

The Red Color of the Giant Mite is a danger signal and it is
not eaten by a hungry bird as it is poisonous 

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