Sunday 4 August 2013

We are all  obsessed  with what we have been taught in our school and college days.Every time our thoughts and actions are interacting with what we have been learned, for this the subtle ideas of our mind going dormant day by day and we are visualizing things in Old Code and Conduct.
You should remember that you being Ruled by Foreign forces for 800 years, and so you are passive ?
Not at all.
You have been forced the believe that you are useless before other developed Nations by inflicting poison in the Text Books.
Who say that you have a wretched past ?
You are the children of the most Civilized Nations of the World.
Which Nation preaches 
Guests are God ?
The Whole World is a Family ?
Transform yourself from the cocoon and fly.
Forget about the text books and search the truth.
Never quote Foreign Writers about everything,
they have less knowledge than you about your own place.
Good luck to all and hope for a transformation in YOU

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